Friday, January 8, 2010

How can i get rid of blackheads?

I have a few blackheads by my nose and on my chin. They dont seem to go away! Ive tried everything please help me. Also i have sensitive skin so i have to be careful. PLEASE HELP!How can i get rid of blackheads?
Cut a whole lemon in half, then rub it directly on your face before you go to sleep.How can i get rid of blackheads?
Try a toning mask weekly. Clean your face well every day with a mild cleanser.
The best way to immediately get rid of the sight of blackheads is by extracting them (pinching them out with an extraction tool that has a loop on the end to capture the blackhead). This method pops out the blackhead out of the pore it is growing in--and you'd need to do with individually for each dot. The downfall is that if you have sensitive skin it well definitley turn red and possibly become inflamed for a day or so after the procedure. The other problem is that this only gets rid of the blackheads that have already developed...and will not prevent others from coming back days or weeks later. If you've already tried extractions...and you didn't react well to them...then the only thing you can do is to try to preven black heads by using only those products that say they are ';hypoallergenic'; and ';non-comedogenic'; or ';non-acnegenic';. These products are meant to treat acne...but blackheads are related to the formation of acne so it's worth a try. Also remember not to over-stress you skin! NEVER wash more than twice a day, don't use too many toners, and perfumed fact scentless ';Dove'; is the best facial bar you can use -- and it's recommended by all dermatologists. Finally...just plain avoid anything that you think might increase your chances of breaking out...ex: stress, some types of foods, alcohol, perfumes, hair products etc...and unclean towels, pillow-cases and hands. Good Luck.

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