Friday, January 8, 2010

How do you get rid of blackheads without drying out your skin?

I have ALOT of blackheads all over my nose, and i was wondering how to get rid of them without drying out the skin around them.How do you get rid of blackheads without drying out your skin?
You will never have to worry about using a product again we are pure safe and botanical and work with all skin types. I want you to click on my profile and do this get the not so basic intellegence line set. Don't use any other product and if you wear make up check ours out why because when you use a product that is going to penatrate you skin and work with your skins navagtional system deep below your top layer to clean and pull out bacteria you don't want to use anyone else's make up we are pure safe and botancial in that line also and we work also get the in the nutrimin c re 9 line the deep pore cleansing mask to pull out the bacteria like a vacumne cleans the carpet okay and your welcome i hope you want great skin because we have proven results and this is what you will get. and your welcomeHow do you get rid of blackheads without drying out your skin?
Take a hot compress to the nose, repeat.

Gently push the nose upwards - repeat.

Wash with acne wash, toner and spot cream - (acne- cream)

Do this about once a month. I am sure if you use a toner after you wash your face twice a day the black heads are reduced a lot.
use neosporin or antibiotic ointment for a few days,works for me.

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