Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to get rid of blackheads and white heads on face?

I squeeze them out and think wow it's all gone but they just keep recurring. Is there a way of getting rid of blackheads and more so whiteheads permanently.How to get rid of blackheads and white heads on face?
ok so i am 13 almost 14 and i have acne and it sucks. but my face is clearing up and i am only using 4 products. 1st, a daily vitamin, next these vitamins from walmart that are good for skin, hair, and nails, and then twice a day, i use a soap from a company called lemongrass. and a cheap lotion from clean and clear. in just a week, my acne was practicly gone!

go to these sites...鈥?/a>鈥?/a>



(the vitamins you can find in a genaric brand that is cheaper but the soap is one of a kind : )

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