Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is the best way off getting rid of spots and blackheads?

I have spots and blackheads what is the best cream or formula to get rid of spots and blackheads? i tried Clearasil absolutely rubbish it has no effect if you know any natural remedies or creams formula's etc please tell me.What is the best way off getting rid of spots and blackheads?
Steam your face by filling a bowl with boiling water, put a few drops of Tea Tree Oil in it (great antiseptic) and bend your face over the bowl, putting a tea towel over the back of your head to help trap the steam. This will open and cleanse your pores. You should also exfoliate your skin with a medicated scrub. You can also buy Blackhead squeezers (tiny metal plate with a hole in the middle that you place over blackheads, apply pressure, and the spot is forced out of the pore ina clean and hygienic way. If all else fails and this is affecting your confidence, then go and see a doctor to see if they can prescribe anything to help.What is the best way off getting rid of spots and blackheads?
I get really bad spots, but the best advice I would have is to go to the doctor and they will give you some cream. its AMAZING!! so much better than the stuff you buy, and its free too. =] x

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