Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What are the best products/home remedies to get rid of blackheads?

I have tried the products with 'blackhead cleansing beads' and all but they don't work for me.

I know steaming you face works but exactly how do you do it?What are the best products/home remedies to get rid of blackheads? thats wrong...

the steam for your face is really really good.. you just have to make you that you also put warm compresses on your face also.. i had the same problem.. also if you have it really bad you can go to the dematoligist and have him take the bad ones out or you chould get a facil

but alos make sure you dont touch your face alot and make sure that your makeup wont clog your pores... black heads are really really hard to get out so dont squezze your face to much or ele it was scar and get more red.. u can also use a toner and a deep clenser on your face tooWhat are the best products/home remedies to get rid of blackheads?
sure... youve tried all of them okaay........jk lol trust me home rememedies dont wok. hav u tried the ';put lemon juice on a cloth and rub all over ur face'; well i dont think tht works so try sum more products and i hav no clue how or y you would want 2 steam ur face

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