Saturday, December 26, 2009

What is the best method for dry skin and blackheads around and on your nose?

I have always been lucky , i dont get spots or have greasy skin , i drink water but it doesnt help , i was going to try to include more vitamin A in my diet , ive tried egg whites , but is there any moisturisers that you find effective?What is the best method for dry skin and blackheads around and on your nose?
Any moisturiser should help the dry skin, also try clean and clear exfoliating facial scrub for the blackheads, its got a special remedy that removes blackheads after about 5 days, just use it like soap.What is the best method for dry skin and blackheads around and on your nose?
Rock, I could finally find a solution for this problem,read this blog before taking any action

Thanks to this blog, it helped me a lot to find the best method.

Hope this helps

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