Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What could I do to get rid of my acne and blackheads before prom?

So my prom is at the end of June, and i want to minimize my acne and blackheads.

Is there anything I can do for cheap at home?What could I do to get rid of my acne and blackheads before prom?
lime and toothpaste will doWhat could I do to get rid of my acne and blackheads before prom?
I've been in that situation and there is really nothing you can do about it. There are things you can do to try to reduce the blemishes and get rid of acne/pimples temporarily but you will always be finding yourself cleaning your face or your body depending on where it's at.

I mean of course your acne should go away eventually but for some this is the case their whole life.

I'm 29 years old and have been suffering from these little pests since I was a teenager. I tried all sorts of face washes from the local grocery store and what not, but nothing seemed to work. If anything it would just make my skin dry and itchy.

Literally the best acne face wash I've ever used has been this stuff called clearpores. It has got rid of the acne to quickest and has been a success ever since I got it. It's unique cause of it's herbal supplement you take a long with it that helps your skin from the inside out. I saved money on it at at the time which was helpful.

You should really look into this stuff and if you can to assure the best results, get the 3 month supply because if it doesn't work it will still save you butt on the return policy.

Well good luck and best wishes.
The best way to get rid of acne is to first understand why acne appeared on the surface of our skin.

Acne is mainly due to skin sensitiveness. And this is related to allergic. This happened when the pores on our skin is blocked by whatever substance such as dirt.

That is why the number one action to get rid of acne will always be cleaning our skin like rinsing our faces regularly. And this has to be done correctly. That is using suitable facial cleanser, skin toner and skin moisturiser.

Try to use tea tree oil products. Find tea tree products from any pharmacy nearby. Not only has it helped to cure acne but also to clear off scars. It may take time to see the results. But what is important are patience and faith.

To successfully get rid of acne, it has to be combat from in and out. The above is only from out. And to take action on in is to take supplements that will help to cleanse the blood or to purify it. Just get some advice from any pharmacist on what is suitable for you. And you can also do this by consuming lots of vegetables.

With that anyone can solve acne problems.

To your success!
. Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne
i dont about anything at home but you can try looking at these products...

they helped my acne

hope that helps
try for regular skin cleaning, it always works.

also use toothpaste and lime, it always works
i use the acne wash by ';Clean and Clear'; also i use tha acne pads and acne face wash from ';Wal-Mart';
steam the blackheads open

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