Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How to get rid of blackheads on my nose?

My nose is quite big and fat so i don't like it to appear noticable, blackheads dont help it. I'v tried so many products desgined to take them away but none of them have worked. What will work, i'm so sick of spending money. What cleanser and toner should i use and what should i use to get rid of my blackheads, home remedies, anything.

thank you and ill pick the best answer :)How to get rid of blackheads on my nose?
biore pore strips

you put 'em on, let e'm dry, then peel them off. they pull all the crud out of your pores.

you can get them at wal-mart, walgreens, target, etc.How to get rid of blackheads on my nose?
The best way to get rid of blackheads :

1. Steam helps to remove blackheads. About 5 minutes, you needed to open the pores and soften the skin.

2. Avoid oil based cosmetics and heavy make up.

3. Keep your skin clean and wash with the natural anti bacterial agent honey.

4. The number one rule of pimples skin care is NEVER SQUEEZE. It help you to get rid of pimples.

These tips are now highly considered by many people with pimples knowing that they will help them not just in getting rid of existing pimples but also prevent new pimples.

You can get many tips about pimple from this blog, http://lets-get-rid-of-pimple.blogspot.c鈥?/a>
An ideal mask that extracts dirt and oil from clogged pores can be made by using powdered orange peel and yogurt, it should be applied and when dry scrub with circular motion and wash with warm water. It opens up the clogged pores that cause acne and blackheads. Check out http://usefulinfo-blackheads.blogspot.co鈥?/a> for more useful tips to control blackheads.
buy a blackhead extracter from sephora, first steam your face (either have a hot shower or put your head over a hot bowl or water and cover head with towel), then use the extracter to pick them out. Also use st. ives apricot scrub blackhead and blemish control to stop from getting more. Exfoliate once a week with st.ives exfoliant and steam once a week

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