Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What can i do to get rid of some of my blackheads and pimples?

I used to have a clear face, but now i wake up with some oil in it, and its gross. I wash my face everyday and sometimes every hour. I use biore exfoliator ,and an acne medication prescribed from my doctor.What can i do to get rid of some of my blackheads and pimples?
my son has been using pine tar soap for over two months now. his face used to be really oily and full of acne! it has really helped clear it up. he had it really bad. huge sores on his face, back and some on his arms and chest. you can get it thru your pharmacy. it costs about $4 a bar and a bar can last 3-4 wks. His skin is 100 percent clearer nowWhat can i do to get rid of some of my blackheads and pimples?
You might be washing too much.

I use the benzil peroxide pads. They work very well.
yes i heard pro active is good to maybe if u look it up on the net you may find others that be newer ok m but you still have to get at the root cause of this too friend .. DIET, u are eating foods that cause this reaction fried foods are a main cause ,, your body is going through changes and fried foods contains oil s your body cant get rid of easily.. sugars too clog the pores that too is a teen speciality and women especially chocolates .. my my my!!

folks u cant eat whatever u like without toxins being storedin your body and then conter reactions to these cause acne and boils and other symptoms too ..

many try to rid their body of the symtoms effects -- but not getting at the root of the problem .. try to discover what is causing the sympton and eliminate it at its root , u cant kill a weed by chopping off its head @@ brother murray
I like Clean %26amp; Clear Blackhead Clearing cleanser. Also get a professional facial once a month.
idk.. I just rince my face every day with water
you should only wash your face twice at most. i really like Murad acne care.

but you might want to think about using only warm, not hot or cold water when washing and rinsing. and washing your bed sheets at least once a week if not twice. also try taking a multi vitamin daily, and drink a ton of water.
You are washing your face too much for a start.

Twice a day is enough. Anymore and your skin will react badly to re-adjust the natural oils.

Try using a diluted solution of tea tree oil on your face.
Hot compresses will help.
Rub alcohol all over your face twice a day.
You are washing your face WAY TOO MUCH! No wonder it's oily. Slow down. Two or three times a day is plenty. I would recommend Proactiv over any prescription acne meds., they are usually too drying and they make your skin worse at first. Please try Proactiv, you will be pleasantly surprised. You may still be able to use it with what your Dr. prescribed. My biggest advice though it too slow down on all that washing and scrubbing! You can actually aggreviate your skin and that can trigger acne!
hunny, that will not work until u get a facial and extract them out then u use it. Its all part of the stupid suckish PUBERTY no1 likes it, its a horrible part of life, especialy teen years, like me im 17 and and just i realised that my face is clearing up becuase in 2 months prego wit my ex but now hes not. HORMONES SUCK!!!!AND EVERY1 KNOWS IT!!! trust me i am a pampered little ***** and i know everything there is about hygine.
An ideal mask that extracts dirt and oil from clogged pores can be made by using orange peel and yogurt.It also opens up the clogged pores that cause acne and blackheads.Clay masks used regularly helps pull out trapped oil and dead skin.Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.

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