Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What is the best way to ge rid of blackheads?

I have been getting more blackheads and its making me mad. So what is the best way to get rid of them? I dont wear make up and I clean my face a lot like wash itt off and stuff.

I try using some blackhead stuff from wal-mart but none work! ugh so can someone help?

thanks!What is the best way to ge rid of blackheads?
Coushatt !

there are many natural methods for the treatment of blackheads in skin that are not so expensive. The easiest one is to take a sunbath. During sunbath, the blocked pores of the skin are cleaned by the skin鈥檚 peeling. In addition, minimize the use of soap on your face.

In order to know the wealth of information about other acne issues just visit


http://www.acnecureinformation.comWhat is the best way to ge rid of blackheads?
biore has some real great products out there. check target or somewhere like that.

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